Twelve years before this story begins, Kyuubi (Nine-tailed Demon Fox) attacked the village of Konoha (Hidden Village of Leaf) unthinkingly. Ekornya told that the switch could cause a tsunami and the mountains. In a flash chaos occurs everywhere and many of the villagers and the Shinobi killed, until a Fourth Hokage (yondaime - Namikaze Minato), who fight tooth and nail, and sacrificing himself to seal the devil is in the body of a newborn baby, the baby was Uzumaki Naruto.
The fourth Hokage dikenang will be forever as a hero of the meritorious. Before the fourth Hokage died, he instruct that Naruto is also treated as a hero who has saved the village, but villagers and considered it as a devil incarnation wolves. After the fourth Hokage died, the third Hokage (Sandaime - Sarutobi) took over the leadership issue and to discuss the restrictions incident to other people, told this to the children and also to Naruto.
Since that time Naruto grow large in solitude, without friends, family, and without the recognition of people around. No one attention and praise him, so to attract the people to do what Naruto is the only one he can, make chaos. However, kelakukannya changed after he succeeded in saving Umino Iruka teacher's death with the Kage Bunshin No Jutsu (Shadow Clone Tecnique). Naruto learn two things that day, that the Nine-tails disegel in both himself and friends to get him the first time. Iruka compliment graduation from the Ninja Academy and became the official Genin (Lower Ninja). Graduation bring huge changes dagi himself and also for many other Shinobi. And the story is fun begins ...
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