Gameplay Screenshots
The sequel to Age of Empires spans a thousand years, from the Dark Ages to the late medieval period, in which players control human destiny from the fall of Rome through the Middle Ages. Starting with minimal resources, players must build nations into great civilizations. Players can win in several ways, including conquering enemy civilizations, accumulating wealth by extensive trading and diplomacy, building and defending wonders of the world, or protecting a king or queen.
Story based campaigns focus on historical figures and their struggles like William Wallace, Joan of Arc, Genghis Khan, Barbarossa and Saladin bring the player much deeper into the game as they strive with the hero to victory.
A new expert system driven computer player with artificial intelligence providing a solitaire opponent who seems human.
Maps are larger which adds to the sense of exploration and allows more options for extended play particularly in multiplayer.
The very popular Random map generator brings unlimited replay value for both multiplayer and single player.
In addition to the traditional Deathmatch option, there is a new gameplay mode: Regicide, where players have to protect their Queen or King while they try to assassinate the enemy one.
A Map editor extends also the game play by allowing users to create and exchange scenarios or link them into campaigns.
System Requirements
Multimedia PC with Pentium 166MHz or higher processor.
Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 5 operating system.
32 MB of RAM
200 MB of hard disk space; additional 100 MB of hard disk space for swap file.
Super VGA monitor supporting 800×600 resolution.
Local bus video card that supports 800×600, 256 color resolution and 2 MB of VRAM
Quad-speed CD-ROM drive.
Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device.
28.8Kbps modem (or higher recommended) for internet or head-to-head play.
Audio board with speakers or headphones.
To access the MSN Gaming Zone you need Internet Explorer 3.02 or later software or Netscape Communicator 4.0 or later.
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